In an effort to discover the competence of employees and to arrive at results concerning training and development ,Bellatris provides assessnment services involving group discussions, presentations and role playing ,to valuable customers.


Organizational Coaching


Team Coaching

For organizations to reach their goals, the Team Coaching Services enables employees to be involved in activities using their own potential and positive qualities so that they improve themselves and contribute to their organizations. In these activities, values and goals of the institution and executives are examined, and therefore communication, effective inter-personal relations and empathy in the organization are achieved. As a result of these activities, which increase overall efficiency, the organization reaches its goals more effectively. These activities differ from individual coaching work in that the former enables feedback among individuals as activities are conducted as a team, and it also enables synergy within the team. Those participating in these activities gather as a team at certain intervals and the coach guides the activities during this process. 

Individual Coaching:

This is a process that enables executives and employees to conduct activities and get results through tasks that help them assess their own skills and potential in the direction of their career goals within their organization. Those participating in these activities work with the coach at regular intervals and hold sessions.




Innovative Product Management in Pharmaceutical Marketing

Objective of the training:

·         To create a common language among Product Managers

·         To ensure that Product Managers have equivalent levels of knowledge

·         To transfer knowledge and practical information to Product Managers on new and contemporary marketing thinking and concepts 

Who Is It For?


Junior and Senior Product Managers: Those newly appointed to the position of Product Management, those who joined their firm in the last one or two years but have been working as a Product Manager for three or four years, those who have four or five years of experience in the firm in Product Management.  


Marketing Training For Non-Marketing People

Objective of the training:

To create a common language within the company

To establish the marketing perspective within the company


Who Is It For?

·         Medical Departments

·         Finance Departments 

·         Client Services Departments

·         Sales Operations


Basic Marketing Training

Objective of the training:

To enable a common language between regional field force, Regional Managers and Product Managers;

To share Marketing Concepts with participants to create equivalent levels of knowledge

To facilitate practical experience sharing in regard to new and up-to-date marketing concepts, theoretical marketing knowledge, and experiences in the sector.

Who Is It For?

·         Regional Managers

  • Medical Sales Representatives

The Road to Rx
(Under the cooperation of Bellatris and Denge Merkezi...)

Objective of the training:

To improve the skills related to identifying the client profile

  • Identifying the needs of a physician
  • Building a specific promotion strategy for a physician
  • Approaching with the right strategy

Who Is It For?

  • Medical Sales Representatives
  • Regional Managers

Training on Coaching/Mentoring Skills in the Pharma Sector

Objective of the training:

  • Understanding the coaching process correctly
  • Learning different aspects of coaching
  • Understanding coaching as a management system

Who Is It For?

  • Department Directors
  • Department Managers 
Regional Managers


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